Making Quality Engine Oil
There is no question that automotive engines need engine oil in the same way plants need water. It is essential for the engine to function at its best and therefore lasts a good many years. However, not all engine oils are created equal. Therefore, having awareness as to what are the components of quality engine oil is very important. Firstly, understanding the function of engine oil is a good first step. Engine oil performs the following functions:
- Lubricate the moving parts of an engine
- Protect against rust and corrosion
- Keep the engine parts free of sludge
- Keeps the engine cool
- Enhances sealing
Having established the functions of the oil then let us examine the makeup of quality engine oil:
- Should be of a high grade or viscosity to withstand high heat and friction
- Should contain oil additives such as detergents and dispersals
- Should contain rust and corrosion inhibiting additives
- Should contain additives that enable the oil to attract soot as it lines the parts over and over again
- Should have a high flash point so as not to ignite under high heat or friction in the moving engine
- Should experience very little foaming
- Should evaporate very little under high temperature
- Should have a high total base number (TBN) to neutralize acids
- Should have a low total acid number (TAN) to ensure that the oil itself is not significantly acidic
- Should have low zinc, phosphorus, and sulfur content.